After High School, but before going to the U.W., and between seasons on the boat, so probably in the fall of 1978, I was in a sociology class at Shoreline Community College (where important guys named Bill like to speak). Our instructor, (who was probably trying to be "hip") brought with him everyday a little cassette player that he would put on the table up front and on which he would play some of his musical favorites to "relax" us and give the lecture room a better atmosphere.This being a sociology class, he would invite us students to bring in our own music to share during this five minute period before the class began.
I don't remember many people contributing to this sociological experiment. What I do remember is one day two guys behind me were talking about a movie they had seen, that I had also seen. They were talking about a song in it called "The Time Warp" and of course the movie was "The Rocky Horror Picture Show". Anyway, I turned and got involved in their conversation and soon the subject of other "cool" music came up. This guy I was talking to said he was into this new band called "DEVO". I smiled and pulled out of my jacket pocket a cassette of "Are We Not Men?" - their first album.
This fellow I was talking to, who sported a nifty haircut by the way, was Mr. Steve Turnidge himself and Steve suggested that it was absolutely time to "share" some nice music with the class, so we hurriedly ran through the songs, deciding which two songs we could get in before class began. We settled on "Mongoloid" and "Satisfaction" (to my recollection).
If you are familiar with the year 1978, and "DEVO" you might recall that this was not yet "acceptable" or "normal" music. The songs played, with me and my new friend Steve up at the front desk, standing next to our instructor, watching his eyes for a reaction to our own little experiment.
Steve and I became friends for that quarter of school, but then we wandered off.
A couple years later I was fresh back from six months backpacking through Europe, and attending the U.W., and looking to start a new wave/punk band, and I ran into Steve at a Romeo Void concert. Out of the blue he said he had a band, and I invited myself over, and I think it may have been the very next night that I met the members of UVC, the UltraViolet Catastrophe.
(More Later)
The Ultra Violet Catastrophe Web Page
Copyright © 1996 by the Ultra Violet Corporation
Updated 3/18/96. Created and maintained by
Einar Ask / ![]()