On that first visit to Steve and Julie's Ballard apartment, the band had three members. Steve Turnidge and Ray Miller on synthesizers, and Gary Bauder on vocals. And there was Roland, the drum machine - a very hip 606.I, Einar Ask, became their guitarist, and soon I bought a bass to add to our sound. We all took turns playing leads and bass lines.
After many months of songwriting and practice, a very talented singer called Katie replaced Gary on vocals, and we had our first gig a week later.
In 1984 Katie left us, and we auditioned new singers, but the band was not the same, so it dissolved.
In 1990, when my son, Andreas, was born, I realized that I didn't want him growing up in a house with a boring dad who was just like all the other dads around. It was time to do music seriously again, so I called Steve. That call lead to some equipment upgrades, and that equipment lead to speculation, and that speculation lead to an ideal situation. Steve, Ray and I started writing songs together again.
Copyright © 1996 by the Ultra Violet Corporation Updated 3/18/96. Created and maintained by einar@einar.com |